

I guess I should get around to updating this...I'm now a Utard. We moved to Salt Lake about 2 weeks ago and are working out living arrangements. I go for an interview in 15 minutes with Hollister Co. to earn some income while I build my No Go Errand Services biz. We are also looking at a house to buy which may come as a surprise but a lot of prayers have gone into this and we wouldn't do anything we didn't feel was right. I will post some pictures of it and our new car once I get around to it. Well, wish me good luck with my interview.


Margaret said...

Welcome to Utah! Where are you living? I hope all goes well with the house hunting.

Elizabeth "Betsy" said...

Good luck? I'm a little late! I can't wait to see pics of the house? Cool! I trust you to make good decisions. We'll support you no matter what!

Cristi said...

I think you called me! AHHHH! I'm an awful friend!!! I've been SO busy! And I always leave my phone in my car and so I don't have it and get messages until way late! Anyway, let's get together you Utahn!!!!!

Megan said...

Wow...a new car and possible house?! Look at you kids go! We've been thinking a lot about you guys; wondering how you are doing. We miss you...A LOT! If you get a minute, give us a call, we want to hear all about your new adventures! Hope your interview went well. Tell the kids HI!
Love you guys!